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Prisma flowchart is a type of flow diagram that aggregates and reports assessments. Users of reviews usually apply it in different kinds of studies, especially the field that requires evidence like medicine.
Data collection, processing, and analysis in research papers is an ideal step to use this study flow diagram. It executes the reference study selection and exclusion of studies that are not relevant to your topic.
Prisma focuses on analyzing systematic reviews to raise the value of the reports. Creating diagrams in review updates is not too complicated, but it requires preparation and careful study of data sources.
This article will analyze some aspects and how to build a completed flowchart.
Prisma Flowchart Overview
Prisma flowchart is a type of flowchart used to report systematic reviews and meta-analyses. It describes evidence-backed details in a transparent manner so that users can easily and fully understand.
There are two main components: a checklist of items and a flow diagram. The 27-item checklist includes title, summary, method, results, discussion, and cost of future studies. The flow diagram provides the final meta-analysis based on the reporting standards.

What Is The Purpose Of Using Prisma Flowchart?
First, systematic review authors use Prisma diagrams to enhance the value of the reviews. Specific checklists and detailed flow diagrams help the reports achieve high reliability.
Referencing the reviews and meta-analyses also ensures the explicitness and clearness of the reports.
This type of flowchart is especially preferred in the healthcare field since it synthesizes the findings of several studies, thereby summarizing the best research available.
Step To Create A Prisma Flowchart
Here, we will take the example of creating a Prisma flowchart to build an analysis system for selecting data sources in a research report. The 2020 V2 - New Reviews construction process will include ten specific steps as follows:
You need to choose an editable template of flowchart that is suitable to download and use.
Database Search
After having a fillable template, search terms in individual studies. It will include all the types of reviews you search for or related topics. Apply search strategy criteria such as year or language for faster results.
Once you have the desired number of databases, enter it in the boxes on the left side of the flowchart. In this step, add all the results from the databases.
Remove All Duplicates
It is the step to check and delete duplicate databases or relevant studies.
Records Screened
This step is the identification of studies. You need to add the certain number of articles that you want to screen. It is the total number of identified records after subtracting the duplicate articles.

Records Excluded
This is the title and abstract screening of the original review to your individual searches topic. You should collect all articles to answer your main research question. This is how you do not miss or omit any valuable information.
Next, calculate how many excluded titles and enter that number in the "Records excluded" box on the left table. You can add reasons for exclusion of reports. However, the excluded reason is usually not required.
Reports For Retrieval
Reports for retrieval are the reports you use for eligibility- full text screening stage. In this step, we have a simple formula as follows:
Reports sought for retrieval = total number of screened records (step 4) - number of excluded records (step 5)
Not Retrieved Reports
This step will help to list and filter out the articles that you cannot find in their full-text.
Assessed For Eligible Reports
You need to screen the full text of your reports in this step. It helps you to check how many eligible studies are for retrieval.
What to do is to subtract the number of accurate reporting that was not retrieved from the number of reports for retrieval (step 6).

Reports Excluded
After the full-text screening stage and checking the eligible reports, enter the number of excluded accurate reporting in the "Reports excluded" box.
The flowchart will ask you the reasons for the exclusion of articles against criteria. Note that if an exemplar of reporting meets many exclusion criteria, you should exclude it once in the list.
Included Studies
We will find the value of the "Studies included in the review" box in this stage. This number is the result of the subtraction of the reports excluded from the exemplars of reporting assessed for eligibility.
This way, you have completed the diagrams into review updates and know how many complete reports you have.