About the author:
- Steve Chandler: Author of 14 Best Sellers in America, a coach and consultant for large companies. Lecturer at the University of Santa Monica.
- Duane Black: Vice President and CEO of SunCor Development Company. As a manager, planner, builder of residential areas.
Main content:
Words of wisdom with ground-breaking content have the power to forever change the way leadership and governance work.
Chapter 1 – Regain the Authority
The old-fashioned executive manager has a close relationship style: detailing, criticizing, judging, which will arouse the defensiveness and withdrawal of employees. They keep forcing employees to do things that people don't want, which is to turn employees into someone else. When employees are angry, they have lost their authority, and that is the cause of stress and unbalanced harmony, low efficiency.
Managers are open, open, forgive, let go, let go, don't get attached to the weaknesses of others. Encourage and find the strength of employees, create conditions for that power to arise, that is, find them, not force them. Constantly looking for ways to “match” their talents with the assigned work. There may be employees who can't find a suitable job, which means you will find out that they are not suitable for your team.
You have to change your mind, when you make a mistake, you can let it go, you can disable it, put it back and go another way. If you want to have real power, you have to know how to let go. The "bad" things don't bother you anymore, because you want to use them to practice. As Chopra puts it: “…every event in life can have either a cause: either what happens is positive, or it gives us something to learn in order to create something positive.” By doing so, you will become extraordinarily strong. Your employees receive strength and calm from their superiors, their hearts are warm, their work ethic is inspired to appear instead of being forced to appear.
Chapter 2 – Redefining your own success
Some people's definition of success is always more or less inclusive of changing the outside world, but the world is difficult to change. Redefine success for yourself, this redefining is already within you.
When you vibrate in front of something, it resonates with what's already in you. It is the energy, soul and strength within you that has announced. The harmony of the soul with the intuition is at the heart of open management. Find a way to let what's inherent in you emerge.
Why do most of your ideas, inspirations, conceptions, and decisions come to you while you're taking a shower, relaxing in silence, or walking on the street with your mind blank? That's when you stop trying to control your thoughts. You let go of your consciousness and let intelligence rise. Open management begins by listening to your inner self. So, find a peaceful place within yourself that can tell you what true success is. Then move on to evoking peaceful productivity and creativity where others can be. In short, that is the beauty of open management.
Chapter 3 – Using the Power of Neutrality
Organizational activity is an ongoing process of bargaining and selling. Sell ideas, sell ideas, sell products, sell services. All day sold. But not everyone sells in the same way. What distinguishes the open manager is an unusual talent for being neutral. The process of commerce and negotiation also takes place internally: the mind fights itself.
We keep trying to find a way to eliminate the opposite of what we seek, when in reality it is not possible. One must value neutral observation as the ultimate way of seeing. I oppose your position, that is, I challenge you to defend it without looking at an alternative.
In a good negotiation, you must know how to put aside objections and judge the opposite. Accept the opposite and include it in your argument too much with an outcome that only pushes that result away. Neutrality gives you honest solutions and most of all lets you allow – not force – the outcome to be better.
When you negotiate with someone, you have to see that there are things they are required to have, and if you give it to them, they will return it generously, which is amazing. Because when people have a special feeling, if they have it, then they can give anything.
Back to the middle, the position is full of power.
Chapter 4 – Using spells with concentration and purpose
If we keep rushing into the future and we try to do many things – in our heads – at the same time, that's why we get stressed.
Try to make it through your life that you just need to do one thing right at a time, do it with joy and ease, and then you'll be surprised it succeeds more than you need. Because I have focused on my intention, creating true strength. Letting go of the past and the future, your focus is on the present, because energy and creativity are born in this moment.
In business, you will never solve a new problem with a bad mood, but only have to focus on it with a high degree of awareness, a mind that is not frustrated. Because the pure mind gives birth to beautiful leaps of inspiration and creativity. It is important to have an intention at work. Intention is different from purpose, and understanding that difference is crucial to your success. Intention is a place of power that is within you and purpose is where you hope to be, outside of you. A truly successful person is one who knows how to let go of the future ending, to drift like water in a river.
Chapter 5 – Questions that lead to success
Through tradition and culture, we are haunted by our sins, our lack, our challenges, and our sorrows. Then we try to create the most positive external situation. But the positive solution is not outside, it is within us. To find it we have to ask. Just ask questions, then listen.
The ultimate question is: “How can I contribute?” or: “What can I give?” Success comes from the questions you ask yourself. Most people go to work just to work hard. But, miraculously, when you don't care what you get, you get the good stuff. Because success comes through constant contribution, not forcing it to work.
Life doesn't always give you what you want, life gives you what you believe. If you believe your employees are lazy, then you only see lazy employees. That kind of judgment also takes away the ability to see the good side that exists.
An open-minded manager won't spend much time giving advice. Instead, he perfected his ability to ask questions. And from there inspire, dedication to the staff. When you let go, employees will find out what's inside themselves; Find out if there's a way to give it to the world, meaning you've allowed them to have success.
Chapter 6 – Inspiring ideas for success
The best ideas often come when you stop trying to think. Then, let go of your thoughts and let the inspiration come on its own. It is a secret that always goes hand in hand with success.
Relaxation is one way an open-minded manager uses it. The fundamental key to success is confidence in yourself. If you're still breathing, you're alive, and if you're alive, you've got potential.
Open-minded managers always bring employees back to their own experience of success, remembering how they made a difference; They believe in their own abilities and they will nurture that confidence as you desire.
People often define success as being associated with wealth, admiration, and superiority. It is success when we seek it by taking something from the outside, determining that it is never enough, for satisfaction.
In the open understanding of success, one must take into account one's own inner peace and happiness. Success is simply an evolving process; Like a flower when it opens to the sun, you are in that moment: progress, evolution, and progress. That's the satisfaction you get right now, here.
Open perspective to manage life: not everything is done. Just do the one thing that should be done in the next step. The workplace can combine relaxation and play to allow what is already inside of us to come out.
Chapter 7 – Practice Seeking Insight
Leaders often think: “A good leader is a visionary”. That is, know how to refer to market trends, goods, services... and then sketch out the future image and perspective of the company after ten years, ...
But managers glimpse a different kind of farsightedness. They strive to see the hidden within themselves, their employees, and their customers right here and now.
An open manager is like a sports coach, they observe and feel the skills and talents of each player to arrange and assign the most optimal position.
You value open-mindedness and creativity, instilling in your employees a love of what they do. Good leadership has nothing to do with power and control.
Your daily decision-making process begins with listening to the wisdom, examining your heart and soul to find the real options for yourself with the key to allowing success to come instead of pushing it. pressed successfully. When you and your employees both like to do what is required, there is no need for control, coercion, intimidation, encouragement, encouragement. They inherently love their work, completing it is natural for them. So the manager's job is to find out, pull people back to themselves.
Chapter 8 – Reverse the Process
In every situation, we can find things that open up opportunities. Therefore, all the "opposites," "negatives," and "what we don't want" are just helpful but disguised feedback, appearing to help us learn more about ourselves.
Most managers have a habit of looking outside the organization and the world to see what needs to be corrected.
Now is the time to reverse the process: the outside world is like a mirror, we can look outside to find something that can match what is already inside of us.
To really get the best out of your employees, you have to let go of their lives. You must let what is innate in them unfold, not force them to follow a predetermined process. When they live as they are, they will bring out the best for you. You have to connect with the relaxing impulses in those people, which also helps you relax to come back to yourself, and so a good relationship is born. The workplace becomes peaceful.
You must establish a principle for yourself, not a goal to achieve, but an inner principle to reach the goal. You will have a direction and a value chain that defines who you are as an individual and as a company.
Chapter 9 – Adjust your “weapons”
If you are going to create a life of peace, joy and fulfillment then you need to be sensitive and sensitive to what is right for you, you have to discipline yourself to get there.
Thoughts that give you a feeling of well-being, comfort, joy, peace, you must begin to consciously cultivate those compatible meanings.
The thoughts that make you angry, sad, scared, frustrated... then shine your light on them, looking for positive signals to use to correct. When you have that approach to life, you can reverse any thought you want to reverse.
All your life, you're just focused on figuring out what's compatible. When something doesn't match, it's not and isn't bad or wrong, it's like a teacher telling you: you can't succeed here.
Your ultimate goal should be to unleash your full potential, right now, at this sacred moment, not in some distant future. That is the most basic, deepest and most important reason for living in the world. To discover one's purpose is to have an understanding of it. Listen to your surroundings, listen to other people, all the feedbacks that try to tell you who you are, because life is a big mirror of your soul.
When you are yourself, you listen to your feelings, to your feelings, to your body, to your breath, to your stamina. For what you like, you can work for hours without feeling tired, then you will bring the energy and focus to succeed. Once you realize that in yourself, you will also realize it in your employees. Once this principle is aroused in you, it will be the most beautiful gift you can give them.
Chapter 10 – Being approachable
Old-fashioned detail managers have to hide behind a disguise made up of life's unsolved problems, alibi, and make it difficult for them to reach the freedom we long for. Hard to get close to yourself.
So now you have to turn around, clear your mind, get rid of foreign thoughts, stand in a free position to know your best to discover who you are. , can really do anything with life.
Galileo said, "You cannot teach anyone anything, you can only help them find themselves". Galileo's quote is the heart and soul of an open manager.
In freedom, you can listen to your intuition, access your inner ideas, access inner vision, inspiration. It means you have become closer to yourself.
When you live an "open" life, the outside world will respond differently, because you are more open to opportunities, to people. You accept people for who they are without judging their weaknesses and problems. That is, you allow success to happen instead of making it happen.
Chapter 11 – Ignoring Judgment
Managers are always more or less confused with the unsatisfactory things going on. But it wasn't what was going on that confused them, it was their judgment about it that confused them.
If we can open our heart to things and treat them as just a passing thing, we can be free from dissatisfaction, frustration, stress, and blame. This is an important skill of the open manager.
You can evaluate things without having to put personal judgment in, that is, evaluate without carrying a feeling of “disappointment” or “frustration”. It is not a passive attitude but a positive overview of everything that is going on.
A non-judgmental attitude will help you open up to handle situations in a creative way. Don't try to fix the outside world, worry about improving the inner world, you can change anything you want. However, change them in a spirit of cooperation instead of adversarial.
Non-judgment opens the door for anyone to be a friend. With employees, they share almost everything with you, they freely accept them as they are. True partnership is opened towards employee success.
Chapter 12 – Creating Results
In a company's business or in a person's personal life, everyone who focuses on the inside, the greater the external results.
Open-minded managers will help their salespeople go deep inside, find out the essence of what they're really selling: good products and services; Create a commitment within the unit to ensure that there will be excellent customer service. Tell the truth, feel happy when the customer is satisfied. Just adjust the inside to be really good, really right, then the natural results will come in a sustainable way.
Some companies only care about the end result over profit; With the goal of winning quickly, they seek to increase the quantity even though the product is only of "medium-level" quality, they fall into a fiercely competitive environment, into a tough spiral. Such is the tragedy of those who only pay attention to the outer shell.
Duane, CEO of SunCor said: “We care more about the process than the result. We let things happen naturally from the desire within – the wish that we would become the person we dreamed of.”
Chapter 13 – Sensitivity to the whole system
The old manager worked with a finite amount of power and information. And open-minded managers work with limitless imagination. Wealth itself follows a path of evolution and expansion: a once worthless grain of sand is now becoming extremely valuable computer chips. So, to the imagination, the resources are limitless.
You can't think and figure out something that is completely handmade, meaning we live with the help of everyone in society.
We must realize that, the person we help is not necessarily the person we receive in return, but we can receive from someone who is more than capable of giving it to us. So, the circle of life is not just between us and someone else, but it is between us and everyone, me and everyone.
Feeling that connection, the things you give just run around, around and back to you. Even causing damage to the whole world, such as destroying the environment, for example, there is no way out of the world of life, both you and the whole society have to bear the consequences. We cannot do anything without affecting others. There is no way to separate from the link of all life and the universe. You cannot break that system. It exists beyond and beyond belief and creed. You don't have to try to believe it; Just like you don't have to believe in electricity, because you already know how powerful it is. The same goes for the principle of non-stop giving, you must know it works. You can continue to contribute to the great good of the organization and keep your career moving forward.
Chapter 14 – Going deeper into your wish
Open-minded managers need to go deeper, need to find out if there is something hidden under the aspirations of their co-workers, so that you know more about how you can help them see the source of that desire.
Wanting means not having, like wallowing in a mixture of hope and fear. With your cue, they can reshape their approach to what they want. You will help them “internalize” and realize their own purpose according to each work they contribute.
You can show them how to live the life they've always dreamed of right now with your full help.
Incubating the goal of becoming a rich person, now they have to cherish the intention of how to become a good person.
Wanting to be famous, now they have to make a wish to be different to get people's attention.
Realize the dream, that is, really live with the intention, wish from today, by giving it away.
Chapter 15 – We are living in three worlds
The spiritual world is the world of your "original" nature, which is the best you have, your highest "me", your limitless potential. The world of the mind is the world of choice.
Mind is the world of the ego, defining you and letting you come into your own experience.
The physical world is the world of action. The material world is nothing more than "arranged fate".
Concepts in the spiritual world and creativity in the mental world open and create what manifests in the physical world. So, when something happened in the physical world, it couldn't be controlled anymore. The physical world is just the “end product”.
We spend most of our lives focusing on the physical world. But by the time we see concrete manifestations, it is too late to change. Because real change happens within us. You must focus on the spirit (intuition and inspiration) as well as the intellect (thinking and planning), which is the only area in which free will and free choice can be exercised.
Understand that you cannot change the result without changing the components that make up the result, which are within you. If you're really making a difference, focus on your inner system, because that's where the power lies. Don't pay attention to what's happening in the world. All of that is just a reflection of what you're thinking.
Chapter 16 – The manager is open-minded as a coach
The manager loosely trains his people to become more in tune with their own inner inclinations.
First, you can help your team by clarifying the concept of coaching. Coaching is not direction, management, nor psychotherapy, nor is it just advice.
The first and most important thing about coaching is to find out where their heart is, how is their way of thinking? How do they see things? Only then will you behave and think like them in the communication process. From there, you see what they want to achieve, what they are trying to do and how they perceive the situation. You listen, ask a lot to let them talk. Relax and have a conversation.
The goal of coaching is to get what they want as quickly as possible, not what the coach wants. Help them know how to find joy in what they are doing. Their poor behavior has always been accompanied by anxiety and stress, so the less stressed you make them, the better they get.
So, coaching is about letting go, learning, listening, and talking to solve any problem.